In the past week or so you may have noticed a flush of small tree seedlings growing in your yard, especially Maple seedlings.  Typically we see these pop up in April or May, but this year we are just finally getting our flush now.  I believe the cool, wet spring has pushed them a bit later this year than normal.

It is going to be in the mid to upper 80’s this week so they will mow out pretty quickly this year.  Please do not lower your mowing height to try to cut them off.  This is not healthy for the lawn (current mowing height should be around 3-3.5″ measured on the lawn with a ruler).  They will disappear on their own within a week or two.

Also, this is probably the first week of 2019 where irrigation is not optional.  Every lawn out there needs water every single day this week.  There are chances for rain most of the days but it sounds like it is going to be pretty spotty and nothing we can count on.  If you are in lighter sandy soils, you may even want to be giving your lawn an additional afternoon shot for a quick “cool down” to avoid heat damage.

As always, if you have any questions, give us a call at 616-813-3135, or send us an email at  Have a great holiday week!

The My Turf Team


“I treat your turf like it’s My Turf”