A little spring raking is never a bad idea.  Snow mold can be a common sight in West Michigan lawns during the spring, especially in shady or wet areas.  We are not seeing too much of a problem with snow mold this year (most likely because we had little snow cover this winter) but it is around here and there.  Snow mold is a fungus that typically affects lawns in the early spring.  It can have a pink or gray appearance, and typically ranges in size from 1″ to 6″ across.  A little light raking with a leaf rake is best to open up the matted appearance and allow for a quicker recovery.  Late March is a great time in West Michigan to take care of any of the fungus present.  If extreme snow mold is not opened up by raking to allow for proper airflow, the grass can completely die out in these areas.  We recommend lightly raking any other heavy thatch areas or damage areas from voles over the winter.  Please call or email if you have any questions.

Snow Mold in Lawns

Snow Mold

                                                          “I treat your turf like it’s My Turf”