All of us at My Turf would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. Please travel safely for all those who are travelling to visit family this weekend.
It seemed that the weather turned cold a bit early this year. November has been over 6 degrees cooler than average so far and believe it or not, we have received almost 9 inches of snow already! Many are also forecasting a cooler than average December as well.
Please take advantage of this holiday weekend to make a final go around on the lawn. Pick up any remaining leaves and lower your final cut to around or just under 2″. We are concerned for many lawns that still have a lot of leaf cover on them. If that leaf cover is allowed to remain over the winter, there will be a lot of reseeding to do in the spring. The lawn will suffocate and rot under a layer of leaves. Don’t let your lawn go to sleep for the winter like this:
Once again, thank you so much for putting your trust in our company to take care of your outdoor needs this season. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. You may call 616-813-3135 or email
The My Turf Team: Jason, Andy, Jay, David, Mike, Sean, and Todd.
“I treat your turf like it’s My Turf”