Late Fall Lawn Tips

Late Fall Lawn Tips

Hello again from Kregel’s Landscape and Garden Center.
Wow, what a November we have had so far. Temperatures in the upper 50’s and low 60’s and no sign of snow on the horizon.  It is hard to imagine that Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away.


Don’t forget to blow out your underground irrigation system if you haven’t done so already.  It has been warm lately but a hard freeze could do some damage.



Mowing Height

Now is a good time to bring the mowing height down to around 2″ for the winter.  We believe with how warm the soil is yet that we will need to mow quite late this year because the grass is still putting out some top growth.  Don’t put away your lawnmower too early.  If the grass goes into winter too long you could end up with snow mold issues in the springtime.  


If you have been having issues with voles making a mess of the lawn over the winter you should be applying a repellent in your foundation beds as well as in the yard.  You can also use bait blocks to minimize the population as well.  If we don’t have snow cover by Thanksgiving time you should try to apply your last repellent to the yard around that time to help avoid damage in the spring.



Landscape Work

Here are a couple of job pictures from our landscape division.  A retaining wall/planting and a new lawn picture 3 weeks after hydroseeding.



As always, let us know if you have any questions.
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Early Fall Lawn Tips

Early Fall Lawn Tips

Hello again from Kregel’s Landscape and Garden Center!

It is nice to see the temperature and humidity levels dropping a bit. The weather has been quite comfortable the past few days and it looks like we have much more of that on the horizon. Lawns are loving it too. After this stressful season this is great weather for our lawns.


As the weather cools, we need to back off on the watering. If we apply a fertilizer, it is good to water in a few times following the application, but once the product is watered in we recommend only watering as needed. If we continue to have rainfall 1 or 2 times per week please do not water at all unless the weather changes. Please do not winterize your system yet as many lawns may still need watering if the weather changes.

Mowing Height

At this point we would not recommend making any major changes. Please continue to mow at around 3″. In early to mid October you can begin to bring it down to 2.5″.


We have seen much more disease than normal in the past month due to the heavy rains and high humidity. We had around 7.5″ of rain in Grand Rapids in the second half of August! That took care of our drought problem but unfortunately there were 3 weeks in a row with high humidity and the lawns never had a chance to dry out. Most lawns were ok but a few here and there were hit pretty hard. If you have disease in the lawn please make sure to water fewer times and deeper if you have to water at all. Currently we should be able to avoid watering completely. We have already seen lawns improving and the disease is beginning to heal up with the improving conditions.



If your lawn has dead areas from drought stress or insect damage this summer you will need to address them soon. The middle of September is the best time to seed. Please do not wait to seed until Spring. Make sure to adequately prepare the damaged areas by raking out the dead grass or adding fresh topsoil before seeding. Watering several times per day for short periods to keep the soil damp will greatly increase your germination rate. We recommend seeding and then adding 1/2″ of compost over the top of the seed to help retain moisture. If you are seeding areas be sure to let us know by emailing
Please include the seeding date and location so we can make the proper adjustments to our program.

Garden Center

Our garden center is open Monday through Friday from noon to 5pm and on Saturday from 9am to 2pm. Beginning Monday, September 19 all trees are 35% for the rest of the Season. Fall is a great time to finalize your planting needs!

Landscape Work

Here is a sampling of a few planting installations from this past month. Feel free to contact us is you have a project in mind you would like to discuss.







As always, let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

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Summer Lawn News

Summer Lawn News

Hello again from My Turf Fertilization &  Kregel’s Landscape and Garden Center.

We made it to August. The hottest time of Summer. The average July high temperature was 3.1 degrees higher than average for Grand Rapids and the long term forecast isn’t showing much different for the month of August. We have been getting some good rainfall here and there but right now unirrigated lawns are drying out quickly.


With temperatures approaching 90 regularly and not much rain in sight, most soils need to be watered every day for 30 minutes per rotor zone and 10 minutes per spray zone. You can adjust up and down depending on how your specific lawn responds – some need more water, some less. With rain and/or cooler temperatures you can back off to every other day. If we make a lawn treatment be sure to water in heavily afterwards to avoid stress on the lawn.


Above average temperatures and intermittent heavy downpours have given this annual grass a great environment for growth this year. We are seeing more this year than the past 2 years combined! Most thick, healthy turf is pretty clean but many edges, thin spots, or bare spots are under attack. We are spot treating for any that is coming up now. Although we can’t expect a 100% kill on crabgrass this time of year, we can control most of it with a single application. We are also currently recording crabgrass amounts and locations so that we know which areas to really focus our crabgrass prevention products on next spring.



Core Aeration

We will be beginning our core aeration work later this month and into September and early October. This is the process of removing cores of soil from the ground to allow for decreased compaction and increased nutrient and moisture uptake. This is very beneficial for all lawns, but especially on clay based lawns. Let us know if you would like us to schedule this service for you.


Mowing Height

In the Summer we recommend mowing at 3-3.5″ as a minimum. With the heat we have had so far this summer it is especially important to abide by this rule to avoid heat/drought stress on the lawn. Cool season turf is not designed to be cut any lower than 3″ during warm periods.

Landscape Work

Here are several jobs our installation crews just completed. Both are backyard patio areas with landscaping to complete the area.






As always, let us know if you have any questions.
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Early Summer Newsletter

Early Summer Newsletter


Things have been fairly warm and dry recently.  We did get a good shower on Sunday but many lawns were dry to start with.  Remember to water early morning and not in the evening if at all possible.  You should currently be watering approximately 30 minutes per rotor zone and 10 minutes per spray zone.  When there is no rain in the forecast you should be watering every day.  Remember these times are a general guide- some lawns may take 45 minutes per zone, some may only take 20 minutes per zone.  Adjustments need to be made based on soil type and response.

Mowing Height

With the warm summer ahead your mowing height should be between 3″ and 3.5″.  A higher mowing height will greatly reduce the amount your lawn will dry out on a warm day.  It will also help to prevent new weeds from growing as well.

Yellow Nutsedge

With the warm weather and high humidity we are starting to see some yellow nutsedge popping up on lawns.  This is a fluorescent green grass that grows up at a faster pace than the rest of your lawn.  We always control this weed on our regular applications free of charge.  See more information on this weed here:

Landscape Work

Our installation crews are still out installing beautiful landscapes.  Here are a few completed jobs in the past month:










As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

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Timely Tips and Pictures

Timely Tips and Pictures

Hello again from Kregel’s Landscape and Garden Center.

It is nice to see the weather forecast is showing some higher temperatures are on their way.  We may have a Summer this year after all.


It looks like close to 80 and dry through the weekend.  Slight chances for rain early- middle of next week so if we get some we should be fine.  If not, lawns in lighter soils will need to begin watering.  Some clay lawns will be drying out as well.  If you did any new seeding this spring make sure to continue to water that 2-3 times per day for short cycles.


Annual Bluegrass

This time of year most grass varieties produce seed.  Some more than others.  This is a completely normal process.  Depending on the lawn, there are typically other undesirable grasses growing in with your main stand of turf.  These can be hard to control as there are no selective products for many of them.  The most common one we see right now is Annual Bluegrass, or “Poa Annua.”  It is very obvious this time of year because it produces many seeds, so much so that it can have a white or gray appearance.  These seeds can and will germinate in your lawn, which is how it spreads from lawn to lawn.  Make sure to bag your grass for the 4 week span while this grass is seeding to help remove as much seed as possible from the lawn, rather than spreading it throughout. While  Annual Bluegrass can and will grow under any conditions, we normally see it thrive in wet, compacted, or shady areas.  If you can improve drainage or watering habits in these areas in any way it will help reduce the spread of this grass.  In a few weeks the seeding will slow down and this grass will blend in much better with the rest of your lawn although it will be a bit lighter in color.  

Mowing Height

It is time to raise mowing height to 3-3.5″ as a minimum.  I know I preach this a lot but with warmer weather on the way this is one of the most important things you as a homeowner can do for your lawn.  Right now we are seeing more than half of our lawns being mowed at or below 2″ which is much too low.  A taller turf will help to prevent the lawn from drying out in hotter weather, as well as produce thicker, darker turf.  In turn, thicker turf is the best form of herbicide to prevent weeds from growing.  Also, do not trust the marking on mower decks.  90% of them are wrong!  Always use a ruler to check mowing height. 


Garden Center

All Flowering Trees are now 15% off until Memorial Day.  We have many different varieties to choose from.  The Garden Center is currently open from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturday.  We will be closed on Memorial Day.

Landscape Work

A couple of our homes are nearing completion for the West Michigan Parade of Homes which begins this Friday.  With the warmer weather we are beginning our grading and seeding work as well.  Just a couple details: outcropping steps are Gray Gorge, random outcropping stone is Glacier Gray, pavers are Unilock Brussels limestone color with Series 3000 Black Granite as a inset sailor course. There is also a pic or two in there of a bubbling rock feature we just completed, as well as some pictures of the fence/pillar combo over the retaining wall completed.











As always, let us know if you have any questions.

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Spring Newsletter

Spring Newsletter

Hello again from Kregel’s Landscape and Garden Center.

It is nice to see that lawns have finally dried out after our deluge of rain and snow earlier this month.  Lawns are mostly out of dormancy and we are making our way through the crabgrass applications now.  If you haven’t received your first application yet we should have it completed in the next 2 weeks as soil temps continue to climb.


Most lawns do not need any additional water yet unless you have done some seeding or have a very new lawn.  You will need to be keeping things damp in these situations.  New seeding requires light watering 2-3 times per day to aid in germination.  If it is allowed to dry out it will not germinate.  You should be thinking about starting your underground irrigation system and making sure that everything works properly so you are ready to water by the middle of May if the weather requires it.


Tip Burn

Anybody notice any tip burn after the heavy frost a couple of weeks ago?  Lawns were really starting to green up and grow and then we got hit with a couple of mornings of lower 20’s which burned some of the lawns slightly.  After mowing a few times this should disappear and has no long term affect on the health of the lawn.  

Mowing Height

You can be mowing around 2.5″ or higher right now.  By June 1 you will want to be mowing at around 3.25″ so you can be slowly raising your mowing height over the next month to let the grass acclimate to the new height.  

8afbffba-50ad-4e27-878f-07a8dd1d86dfTree Seedlings in Lawn

We are starting to see tree seedlings appearing in lawns especially around Maple and Crabapple trees.  This is a common thing we see this time of year and no action is required at this point.  Your regular mowing and a little warmer weather will take care of most of the problem.  Whatever is left will be controlled with our broadleaf weed control.  Some years are worse than others.  From what we have seen this year is a little lighter than some but it is early so the jury is still out.

Moles and Grubs

There is a pretty common misconception out there that if I have moles in my yard I have grubs as well and the moles are feeding on the grubs.  This is only slightly true.  Yes, a mole will eat a grub but scientists have found that 95% of a mole’s diet consists of earthworms.  We love earthworms so sorry but I can’t kill your earthworms either 🙂  We apply grub prevention on the lawn for the sole purpose of keeping the grubs out of the lawn and avoiding the damage that goes along with grubs feeding on turf roots.  Moles will need to be trapped or baited to achieve complete control.  

Garden Center

The garden center is now open from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm weekdays and from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm on Saturday.  It is approximately 80% stocked and we are just waiting on a few additional items.  Feel free to stop by.





Landscape Work

It seems like our landscape division is going to have a very busy year.  They are currently working on a few Parade of Homes.  Here are a few progress pictures from one.  This wall needed to be installed prior to pouring the concrete driveway with proper grid running underneath the driveway.  Also includes pillars with limestone cap and metal fencing sections to be installed between.  A set of natural stone steps leads down into a gas firepit/seating area in the backyard.  





As always, let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you!

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