If you asked me 2 weeks ago I would tell you I didn’t think I would be writing a blog post about raking leaves and snow mold in February, but here we are.  Temperatures are in the 50’s (for now), and the sun is shining.  We had some trees drop leaves quite late last fall, especially the ornamental pear and a few other notorious late droppers, so you may have some leaves that were buried under the snow.  If that is the case, please get out there and enjoy this short lived warmth we are having.  Take the opportunity to clean up any remaining leaves to limit rot damage to the turf underneath.  I’m afraid there won’t be much left of this poor turf if the leaves stick around until May.

Now is also a great time to rake out any spots of snow mold you might have creeping in.  I haven’t seen above average amounts of snow mold yet, but it is a little early to tell for sure.  We had some extremely wet conditions from the end of October through November, so that won’t help things.  On the positive side, we had some interruptions in snow cover this winter, which is helpful in minimizing snow mold damage.  I’m afraid we will have more winter weather between us and spring, but an hour or so of work now will pay dividends come springtime.

As always, we are here for you.  If you have any questions please call our office at 616-813-3135 or email us at office@myturfllc.com

“I treat your turf like it’s My Turf”