We just went from one extreme to the next!  Dry weather all summer, but especially in September and early October, and now an abundance of rainfall.  Grand Rapids has officially had more rain in October (and we are not done yet) than in June, July, August, and September combined.  This fall season has been fairly stressful on lawns with the lack of water, and I think we are going to see some areas not completely recover as well as some extra weed pressure in these areas beginning next spring.  We will be ready and waiting to take on the challenge again next spring.  

Just a couple things on the Fall checklist for now:

  1.  Lower mowing height to 2″.  You can go a touch lower if you wish over the next month but at least get it to around 2 for now.  If you leave your grass too long over the winter the risk for snow mold and other winter damage increases.
  2.  Don’t forget to schedule your irrigation winterization.  We had a decent freeze this morning and cooler temps are on their way.  It is safe to say we will not need to water anymore for this season.

Stay Dry!27